Rinpoche’s Bhutanese students living in Australia organised a lottery to collect funds for the building of a new classroom in the monastery.
Commemoration of the parinirvana of Khandro Tare Lhamo
Prayers to commemorate the parinirvana of Khandro Tare Lhamo
Wishing the King of Bhutan happy birthday
On the birthday of HRH King of Bhutan, Kyabje Tang Rinpoche together with his family and all residents of the Chodeypung Monastery, are sending good wishes.
Monks vaccinated against influenza
Today, monks at the Choedaypung dratshang have been vaccinated against influenza.
Medicine Buddha empowerment
Medicine Buddha (Sangye Menlha) wang was bestowed by Kyabje Rinpoche today. The empowerment ritual was also transmitted using streaming video.
Jampel Zhidrup Choeshay
From the 23rd of December until the 29th of December, His Eminence Tang Rinpoche will bestow the Jampel Zhindrup Choeshay program at the Choedaypung Monastery, to commemorate the 17th parinivarana of His Holiness Khenchen Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche.
Winter semester begins!
The Kathok Choedaypung Larung Dongag Shidrup Gatsel Choling winter studies started in Bumthang. Khandro la together with Rinpoche’s children study materials.
Dormitory construction in progress (2)
Kyabje Tang Rinpoche and other monks engaged with with construction of the dormitory for the young residents of the Choedaypung Monastery.
Preparing covers for Dharma texts
Rinpoche is stitching the covers for Dharma texts used by monks. These traditional covers, so called shokale (Tib. ཤོ་ཀ་ལི་), have been by Buddhist practitioners since old times.
Dormitory construction in progress
The ground has been prepared for the new dormitory for young monks who recently joined Chedaypung Monastery. Now, the wooden structure is being constructed.